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2023 elections
2023 elections
2023 is a super election year in Luxembourg: municipal elections were held in June and parliamentary elections will be in October. These also concern the future of children and adolescents. Although they make up a full 19% of the population, they cannot vote. Let’s respect their rights while voting and in government decisions! Give them a voice – vote for every child!
For the next legislature, we see 9 priorities for a child-friendly and child-sensitive Luxembourg.
The recommendations that we have as UNICEF for the political parties during the 2023 elections have been set out in a manifesto. First, it provides an overview of the current situation of children and young people in Luxembourg. Second, concrete solutions are given for the various problems and challenges that children are facing.
Our recommendations are based on our long experience in the field of children’s rights. In addition, we took the priorities of the wider population, as reflected in the results of a representative survey, into account.
In collaboration with a professional polling institute, we conducted a representative survey of the Luxembourg population in early 2023. The answers of the participants were then taken into account when formulating demands to the political parties.
Alongside the representative adult survey, we also conducted an online survey to give young people the opportunity to voice their opinion. By means of a multiple-choice questionnaire, 436 young people between the ages of 13 and 17 indicated what topics are particularly important to them. For example, 254 participants signaled that climate and the environment, as well as mental health should be given more attention by decision makers.
This document contains the positions and proposals of the different political parties currently represented in the Chamber of Deputies, in response to a questionnaire sent to them. The parties are listed in alphabetical order and all responses have been reproduced as they were submitted to us, without having been changed, corrected or shortened.
5th October 2023
Paul Heber (Chief Communication, UNICEF Luxembourg) together with Carole Reckinger (Caritas) was one of the guests on Ines & Liz’ podcast (Luxemburger Wort) to talk about children and the parliamentary elections.
6th June 2023
Youth Ambassadors Hannah and Marie were guests on Eldoradio to talk about the elections. Although they can’t vote yet, they still have demands and wishes – after all, it’s about their future.
26th May 2023
Franklin and Joy, two of our Youth Ambassadors were invited as guests on the Home Stretch with Melissa Dalton on RTL Today Radio. They talked about the campaign and made an appeal to recruit new youth ambassadors.
12th May 2023
Télécran conducted an interview with two of our youth ambassadors, Laly and Philippe, to get their perspective on this year’s elections.
8th May 2023
We talked with Natasha Ehrmann on Radio 100.7 about our campaign. In addition to child rights in general, we mainly talked about our 9 priorities for a child-friendly Luxembourg for the next legislative term
30th March 2023
In order to give our young people a chance to comment on adult opinion, our Youth Ambassadors were asked to react to claims and statements given in the representative survey. Their reactions were captured on video, showing interesting differences and similarities between young and adult opinion.
4th March 2023
Our Youth Ambassadors got the chance to discuss with seven representatives of Luxembourg’s political parties. Discussion topics were based on the top four priorities given by young people in the online survey. In four rounds of thirty minutes, our Youth Ambassadors shared the ways in which young people experience challenges regarding the environment, mental health, protection against violence and bullying and education. They also were tasked with proposing solutions to these challenges, and to discuss these with the politicians. Download our report to find out more.